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World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ)

External Relations
European Commission for Democracy through Law of the Council of Europe (Venice Commission)
Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC)
Association of Constitutional Courts using the French language (ACCPUF)
International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL)
World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ)
Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions

On 22-24 January 2009, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of South Africa and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe hosted the 1st World Conference on Constitutional Justice, on the topic "Influential Constitutional Justice - its influence on society and on developing a global jurisprudence on human rights" in Cape Town.

This event coincided with the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The conference was attended by representatives of constitutional courts and councils, as well as supreme courts from 93 states. The World Conference concluded that constitutional justice is a key element in fostering and deepening the basic values enshrined in the Constitutions that form the basis of the work of the Courts and Councils which participated in the World Conference. Their decisions have a decisive impact on society.

At the meeting of the Bureau of the Conference and the Venice Commission, was decided to establish a global association, open for accession by constitutional courts, as well as the elaboration of a draft statute of WCCJ.

Eighty eight Constitutional Courts, Constitutional Councils and Supreme Courts as well as the 10 regional and linguistic groups of courts from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe gathered for the 2nd Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice on the "Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies" hosted by the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil in co-operation with the Venice Commission (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16-18 January 2011). The participants also discussed a draft Statute for the World Conference as a permanent body, which was amended on 23 may of the same year.

Thus, in order to extend, internationally and globally, its cooperation with similar institutions, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova, on 17 August 2017, expressed by notifying the Venice Commission its intention to join the World Conference on Constitutional Justice. On 24 September 2011, with the entry into force of the Conference Statute and joining other 32 courts, the Constitutional Court has become a full member of the World Conference of Constitutional Justice.

The WCCJ unites 98 members. WCCJ Congresses are held every three years, and its membership grows steadily.

On 28 September - 1 October 2014, the delegation of the Constitutional Court participated at the 3rd WCCJ Congress, which was held in Seoul and organised by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea. 

The 3rd Congress was attended by 73 Constitutional Court delegations - WCCJ members, 21 courts that have decided to become a member, as well as 3 international and regional tribunals, bringing together 306 participants. The topic of the congress was "Constitutional justice and social integration" and discussion were held on issues such as social integration challenges in a globalized world; international rules on social integration; constitutional instruments which enhance or ensure social integration; the role of constitutional justice in the process of social integration.

Although there is a large variety of constitutional systems and the involvement of constitutional courts depends on the competences they exercise under the Constitution, a consensus was reached among participants at the congress, namely that their jurisdictional activity, either being directly related to social rights, civic and political rights or institutional issues, shall contribute and support, in equal measure, the social integration. Each judgment by a Constitutional Court upholding the Constitution, democracy, the protection of human rights and the rule of law, if properly implemented, contributes to social integration because it settles - with final authority - disputes, which could otherwise result in social conflict. The Constitutional Courts thus have a pacifying role in society, which is essential to the functioning of democratic states that respect the protection of human rights and the rule of law. 

The Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice accepted the offer by the Constitutional Court of Lithuania to host the 4th Congress in Vilnius on 10-13 September 2017.

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