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Legal Directorate – Record Office
Division of Legal Expertise
Research and Analysis Division
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Record, Registry and Archive Service


„A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life"

Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)


Court library has about 3600 books with legal character; most of them constitute the legal basis, with amendments over time.


The library includes publications on various areas of national and international law, like:


  • Books, magazines and special editions;
  • Acts ofParliament, Governmentand other bodies ofstate power,publishedin the Official Gazette;
  • Acts of the Constitutional Court.


As a major objective, it's focused on the accumulation and systematization of Moldova publications in various fields, as well as foreign publications. The materials purchased are predominantly in the following language: Romanian, Russian. The library has books in English, French and German, and in January 2012 the Court received a gift of 128 volumes in German, containing all decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany.


The library purpose is to facilitate access to publications in the field of constitutional law, as well as in the other fields of the national and international law, on the theory and philosophy of law, which would resolve the problems of law by conducting studies through comparative method, with analysis and synthesis.


The library is available to the Constitutional Court judges and staff, at the same time, is allowed the access of representatives of other public authorities, with the consent of the Secretary General.  Individuals are not allowed to borrow library books, but it's practiced the loan between libraries.


It was established a close collaboration with the National Library "V. Alexandri ", the Moldova State University Library, the Public Library of Law. Collections of rare books and donations cannot be borrowed, but photocopying permitted.




"You can not open a book without having to learn something ..."






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