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A Conference on ”Constitutional Justice in a Democratic Society” was held at the Constitutional Court of Moldova


On Tuesday, 30 May 2017, the Constitutional Court of Moldova (CCM) was the host of the Conference entitled ”Constitutional Justice in a Democratic Society,” attended by the current and former CCM judges, as well as by EU experts and experts with a background in the Council of Europe.

At the opening of the Conference, the CCM judge Aurel Băieșu greeted the audience and delivered a speech focused on the primacy of international provisions on human rights. In this context, the constitutional judge stated that ”this event is a proof of the attention paid by CCM to the European caselaw.”

A greeting message was addressed by the former President of CCM of 2011-2017 years, Alexandru Tănase. Citing Prof. Rainer Arnold, who asserted that ”rule of law is rule of the Constitution,” Alexandru Tănase stated that ”essentially, constitutionalism as a fundamental pillar of the rule of law has to establish a limit between the freedom of the individual and the interest of the State in organising its activity.”

The workings of the Conference continued with a presentation of Jean-Louis Laurens – the former Director of CoE SG Private Office, former Director General of CoE Strategic Planning and Political Affairs General Directorates. The topic presented focused on the role of media and NGOs for the constitutional justice in France, with a particular focus on constitutional matters in the light of recent French presidential campaign.

Discourses relevant to the topic of the Conference were delivered by the key-experts of the EU-funded project ”Support for the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova” – Mamuka Jgenti, Gábor Attila Tóth, and the former judge of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania, Toma Birmontienė.

The Conference was carried out in cooperation with the project of the European Union ”Support for the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova.”

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