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Corneliu GURIN



1991-1995 - BA in law, Law Faculty of the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi, Romania.

Professional activity:

2016-2018, 2010-2013 - attorney;

2013-2016 - Prosecutor General of the Republic of Moldova, member (ex-officio) of the Superior Council of Prosecutors and of the Superior Council of Magistracy;

2005-2013 - legal adviser (jurisconsult) with the Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT;

2005-2013 - independent legal expert for a number of non-government organisations from the Republic of Moldova (East-European Foundation, CAPC, API, APE, etc.) and international institutions (UNDP, EU, CoE, OSCE/BIDDO 

2001-2005 - adviser on legal issues and relations with law enforcement agencies of the Speaker of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova; 

2001-2005 - Director General of the Staff of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova/Adviser of the Speaker of Parliament;

1995-2001 - consultant/principal consultant with the Legal Directorate of the Staff of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova.

Other activities:

2013-2016 - member of the Supreme Security Council;

2013-2016 - member (ex-officio) of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors of the Council of Europe/member of the International Association of Prosecutors;

2014-2015 - member of the National Committee on implementing the Individual Partnership Action Plan Republic of Moldova-NATO;

2009-2013 - contributor, as co-author or member of working groups on drafting legislative acts in justice sector reform and that of combating corruption;

2005-2013 - organiser of/participant to scientific national/international seminars, with topical reports presented in the following fields: justice reform; criminal, contravention and civil law reform; anti-corruption laws, policies and practices; administrative and electoral litigation; electoral law; constitutional law; political parties; parliamentary activity and parliamentary control; civil service; human rights; legislation on non-government organisations

2009-2010 - member of the Committee on constitutional reform;

2009-2010 - independent legal expert of the Special Parliamentary Committee on improving election laws;

1995-2005 - in charge of assisting/organising the activity of the Board on conducting the legal and judiciary reform; head of working groups on preparing complex draft legislative acts (codes and laws), coordinating-member of the working group on preparing the draft of the new Contraventions Code;

1996 - member of the Working Group on preparing the draft of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Moldova.


"The Merit" Cross, first class (2016, distinction of the Prosecutor's Office);

State Advisor of the Republic of Moldova, first class (2003, the highest award);

Legal State Advisor, first class (2013, the highest award of the Prosecutor's Office).

Publications (author or co-author):

Constituția Republicii Moldova - comentariu, ARC, Chișinău, 2012;

Drepturile şi libertățile fundamentale. Sistemul de garanții, TISH, Chișinău, 2005;

Comentariul Constituției Republicii Moldova, Civitas, Chișinău, 2000;

Moldova şi UE în contextul PEV. Realizarea Planului de acţiuni UE-Moldova, ARC, Chișinău, 2008;

Priorități de guvernare 2009, Gunivas, Chișinău, 2009;

Ghid juridic privind relațiile și problemele interetnice, ADEPT, Chişinău, 2001;

Contextul Preelectoral 2009, Bons Offices, Chişinău, 2008;

Contextul electoral 2009, Nova Imprim, Chişinău, 2009;

Declararea averilor şi veniturilor demnitarilor de stat, judecătorilor, procurorilor, funcționarilor publici şi ale persoanelor cu funcţii de răspundere: probleme şi perspective de soluționare pentru Republica Moldova, Bons Offices, Chișinău, 2009;

Studiu privind situaţia şi statutul refugiaţilor în Republica Moldova, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova/UNHCR office in Moldova, 2000;

Recomandările instituțiilor internaționale vizînd legislația şi procedurile electorale  în Republica Moldova, ADEPT/OSCE-Moldova, 2010;

Anti-corruption reforms in the context of the visa liberalization dialogue with the EU, APE, Berlin, 2012;

EUROMONITOR-implementarea reformelor conform Planului de acțiuni UE-RM, ADEPT/Expert-Group, 2009-2011.

Spoken languages:

Romanian - native speaker;

Russian - fluent/very good command;

English - intermediary;

French - basic communication skills.

Info about Notification.:
+373 22 25-37-20
Press relations.:
+373 69349444
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